The glutes provide stabilization for other muscle groups in the body and are crucial for performing a variety of daily movements; therefore, weak glutes can be a huge problem for anyone! They support one’s pelvis and allow for the legs to push off when walking. Therefore, keeping one’s glutes well-muscled and strong is crucial to keeping active in older age.
3 common signs that your glutes might need strengthening are:
- Difficulty Maintaining Balancing: The glutes are a base from which the rest of one’s body moves. They play a vital role in allowing an individual to maintain balance. If balancing on one foot is difficult this is a key sign of weak glutes.
- Lower Back Ache or Discomfort: For those with weak glutes, low back pain is a common symptom. This is due to the brunt of glute work being shifted to the lower back. When one muscle is weak in the body the brain will oftentimes shift the stress to another muscle group. Tasks like climbing stairs, walking, lifting, or bending will likely cause sharp pain and aches in the lower back.
- Knee Pains: Though knee pain could be caused by a variety of issues, weak glutes could be at the root of the constant aching in one’s knees. Since the glutes play such a vital role in maintaining one’s balance, weak muscles can lead to overexertion on the knee.
There are a variety of ways to address the issue of weak glutes. Exercises such as bodyweight squats, hip extensions, clamshell or simply standing on one foot are all exercises that can be implemented into one’s routine to better strengthen the glutes.
At Second Step Fitness we are dedicated to helping individuals gain confidence and strength through fitness. Contact us today to see how you can begin the journey to a stronger and healthier body.